Will there be devastation in the world?
Scientists around the world were surprised by the arrival of an asteroid in the Earth's atmosphere which could not be detected earlier. This small asteroid named 2024 RW1 was only one meter (3 feet) wide, which was identified only eight hours before it shone in the sky over the Philippines. This asteroid was so small that it did not cause any damage. However, a dangerous asteroid can hit the Earth next month. Which is a sign of great danger for our earth.
This asteroid can hit the Earth next month
Actually 2007 FT3 is called a "lost asteroid". Because it was last seen in the year 2007. Despite the uncertainty, nasa has estimated a low probability of impact, with the asteroid hitting Earth on march 3, 2030, at 1 in 10 million (0.0000096%), and a slightly lower probability of 1 in 11.5 million (0.0000087%) on october 5, 2024. If an impact occurs in any year, the asteroid's energy release will be equivalent to 2.6 billion tons of TNT, potentially causing regional devastation, but it is unlikely to destroy the world.
isro chief warns
On the other hand, isro chief Dr. somnath has said in an interview that if a large asteroid hits the Earth, humanity will be destroyed. ISSO is constantly monitoring this asteroid. Tracking it. The Network for Space Objects Tracking and Analysis (NETRA) project is underway for tracking it. The name of this dangerous asteroid is Apophis. This asteroid is equal to three football stadiums, INS Vikramaditya, the world's largest narendra modi cricket stadium in Motera. Let us tell you that it was discovered in the year 2004. Scientists fear that it may collide with the Earth. Although the possibility of it colliding with the Earth is being expressed as very low, but scientists are not denying that this asteroid can collide.
This asteroid will come very close to the Earth after five years
It is worth noting that the asteroid Apophis is 1230 feet wide. It is equal to the size of about three and a half football fields. It may collide with the Earth in the year 2068. But before that it will pass by the Earth twice. One is five years from now on april 13, 2029. Then it will pass just 32 thousand kilometers away from the Earth. India's geostationary satellites are deployed not far from this. Second time in the year 2036. isro estimates that if this asteroid collides with the earth, it can destroy the entire world.