Compared to india, internet banned this many times in Pakistan…

The situation has again become violent in Manipur, due to which internet service has been banned for the next five days by issuing an order in the state on Tuesday. Internet usage in india is increasing continuously, but with this the situation is also getting worse. Actually, internet shutdowns in india are the highest in the world. Last year i.e. 2023 was the worst year in terms of internet shutdown in India. At the same time, the situation was not much better this year as well. In such a situation, let us know what is the status of internet shutdown in india and how many times the internet is shut down in our country compared to other countries.

Internet shutdowns are highest in India

It is worth noting that the internet was shut down at least 283 times in 39 countries. india was at the forefront in this. These figures of internet disruption in the year 2023 have been released by Access Now and #KeepItOn. This report explains how internet shutdowns were done last year due to Shrinking Democracy, Growing Violence. This is the largest number since monitoring began in 2016, which marks a 41% increase from 2022 and a 28% increase from the previous record high in 2019. It is worth noting here that the number of internet shutdowns in kashmir - SRINAGAR/JAMMU' target='_blank' title='jammu and kashmir-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>jammu and kashmir decreased from 49 in 2022 to 17 in 2023. On the other hand, last and this year were also not special for Manipur in terms of internet shutdowns.

How many times was the internet shut down in Manipur?

Violent incidents are increasing rapidly in Manipur. In such a situation, in the year 2023, internet facility was shut down in the state on 3 May, 25 July, 23 september, 26 september, 10 November, 19 November, 2 December, 18 December. Apart from this, internet facility has been disrupted on 16 february, 24 february and 10 september this year i.e. 2024. Looking at the situation in Manipur, internet can be disrupted in the coming days as well.

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