How is "Newbrew" beer so special in Singapore..!?

When asked how beer is made, many people give a straight answer. It is noteworthy that there is a full demand for these beers! Yes.. a brand-new beer is now making waves in Singapore. Although it looks like other beers and offers the same kind of taste. But the new type of beer called "Newbrew" stands out as something special. The reason for that is that these beers are made from water that has been treated with urine and sewage.
5% of purified water is used to make this "Newbrew" beer. Apart from this, German barley malts, aromatic citra, and other ingredients are used in the preparation of this beer. singapore international Water Week MD Ryan Yuen said that this experiment was done to spread awareness about recycling and using water. The National Water Agency and local craft beer brewers launched this brand in conjunction with singapore international Water Week! Meanwhile, the water that is purified from the sewage along with urine is called "Neewater". This water is being treated according to international standards and can be used as drinking water.

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