Rays of light in Ordinary Humans..!?

 In this category, Japanese scientists have recently discovered that there are rays of light in ordinary humans. The human body is a beautiful creation of the imagination. Just like there are many hidden secrets in this universe, the human body is also a mystery. The contractions and expansions of the body, the unimaginable reactions, the heart's response, etc., have been debated for centuries. Many researches are also going on. It is in this category, that Japanese scientists have recently discovered that there are rays of light in ordinary people. Japanese scientists have found that a small light emanates from each human body.
It was concluded that light is produced as a result of chemical reactions taking place in the cells of the body. In this sequence, ultra-sensitive cameras are attached to a person's body for a few days. Through these cameras, the light produced by the body was detected. It was confirmed that the bright light was emanating from the person's cheeks, forehead, and neck. More research is going on in this regard. In the traditional indian Vedas, it is clear that there is 'light' in the living being. The Vedas say that the introspective 'Kanti' always shines six inches above one's navel. It is addressed as 'jeeva'. This light diminishes as death approaches. That's why, it is a known fact that the saying 'no art in the face' - 'he has become artless' is often heard. Moreover, the Vedas also say that this light is the soul. Scholars say that the details of this are in the Rugveda. However, scientifically now Japanese scientists have taken the first step towards confirming.

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