The US presidential election in 2024 might have a big impact on India's strategic and economic destiny. Both prominent contenders, donald trump and Kamala harris provide different prospects and difficulties for India. Should donald trump retake office, his prior policies may be carried out. During his first term, Trump's tough posture toward china served India's interests since both countries saw china as a serious regional threat. Positives for india were Trump's strong support for counterterrorism and his affection for indian Prime minister Narendra Modi.

But Trump's "America First" strategy, which places a strong emphasis on protectionism and unilateral trade actions, may cause trade conflicts and present india with economic difficulties. The potential conflict is raised by Trump's erratic behavior and previous economic disputes with india, particularly in relation to tariffs and trade agreements.
 However, Kamala harris presents an alternative set of factors to take into account. Given her indian ancestry, Kamala harris might come across as more understanding of India. Although her track record on immigration reform and technological alliances may help india, her overall foreign policy position is still unclear. india may face criticism as a result of Kamala Harris's emphasis on human rights and multilateralism, especially in regard to India's ties with russia and its stance on the crisis in Ukraine. The policies of Kamala harris may have an impact on India's careful balancing act between its strategic alliance with the US and its long-standing connections to Russia.

Over the years, india and the US have benefited from a strengthening alliance that has been characterized by important trade and defense accords. Trade volume between the two nations reached $191 billion in 2022. In terms of technology, cultural exchanges, and defense, the US has been a crucial ally. However, india is at a turning point in the lead-up to the election. Making the decision between Harris's more complex yet cooperative proposals and Trump's perhaps turbulent but recognizable style will need serious consideration. As the election campaign progresses, indian companies and governments need to be vigilant. The policies of the incoming president will significantly affect India's strategic and economic objectives.


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