Do Animals commit suicide..!? What reason..?

Suicide is not a good idea at all. It is not reasonable at all. It is a crime not only according to dharma but also according to law! There are counseling centers for those who have such thoughts. Many people commit suicide either in a moment of rage or in unbearable pain or despair. However, it is not only humans who think like that. Many studies say that there are many kinds of animals on that list! In this regard, it is said that there are many animals that walk on land and live in water. In this background, let's see the details of non-human beings who commit suicide and the reasons for that...!
If someone wants to commit suicide... 'What is so difficult' is the question that comes to them. 'How do you know my troubles' is the answer that comes from there. Observers say that dogs, who are known as the closest animal to man, are also the main ones on this list! dogs also think of suicide when they are under stress and depression. At this time, self-injury, jumping over walls, lying in one place, and thinking for a long time as if in complete despair, are said to be early symptoms of dogs committing suicide.  It has been revealed in many studies that even pigs commit suicide when they are stressed! In this sequence, they try to commit suicide by hitting strong walls and stones with their heads. In the same order, rats and cats also commit suicide when faced with problems like stress, illness, and loneliness. It is said that humans on earth, whales, dolphins, and fish living in water along with other creatures commit suicide. As a part of this, it is said that due to extreme stress, these sea creatures commit suicide by deliberately washing ashore or by holding their breath.

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