The telangana government has been taking strong action to stop the state's burgeoning drug culture. To reduce the drug usage in hyderabad and other parts of the state, the telangana police and the telangana Anti-Narcotics Bureau (TGNAB) have been conducting raids regularly. A few months prior, the authorities broke a narcotics operation that involved the sale of chocolates laced with drugs. Another drug conspiracy involving the sale of marijuana (ganja) in turmeric packets has just been exposed.
This novel way of distributing drugs was found by Excise Enforcement personnel in Hyderabad's Dhoolpet neighborhood, where ganja is sold in empty turmeric packets. Neha Bhai, a lady who was found to be selling ganja in these packages, was taken into custody by the authorities. During the raid, she attempted to flee, but the police apprehended her and filed a case against her.
The cops confiscated ten packets of turmeric that contained ganja during the operation. Excise Enforcement DSP tirupati Yadav and SI Nagaraj oversaw the operation. In addition to these searches, the police are regularly monitoring Hyderabadi pubs for signs of drug usage so they may prosecute criminals if needed.


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