Strongest 'Bebinca' storm shaking China..!?

Dragon Country china is trembling. The storm seems to have a grudge against the country. china has been facing storms since the beginning of this year. Recently it is raging with another storm. The storm was named the Bebinca Storm. Rains are causing havoc in the wake of Cyclone Bebinca. Due to the impact of this storm, an alert was announced in shanghai, the financial city of China. Meteorological department officials said that this is the biggest cyclone to hit the city in the last 75 years. The media also revealed that the cyclone hit shanghai with a speed of 151 kilometers per hour.
Since the beginning of this year, china has faced 16 cyclones so far. This was the worst cyclone to hit the financial city of shanghai since Cyclone Gloria in 1949. Due to the impact of the storm, flights were stopped. As the cyclone crossed the coast of shanghai, the people there were trembling with fear. Life was completely paralyzed. Meanwhile, the authorities there have made advance preparations to face this storm. The people there have already been moved to safer places. According to the reports in the media there, 9,318 people have been evacuated from the shanghai district to safe areas due to the cyclone. All hotels, restaurants, supermarkets, and shops in Zhoushan City, close to the city, were closed. Public transport services were also suspended due to the impact of the storm. This is the second biggest cyclone in china in the last 15 days, the government said.

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