Tea Estate Workers' Union in tamil Nadu's Nilgiris Demands Basic Amenities

The Nilgiris district of tamil Nadu is renowned for its lush tea gardens, which blanket the hills in vibrant green. With numerous estates owned by both government and private companies, there have been increasing calls for these major landholders, some controlling 1,000 to 2,000 hectares, to provide essential facilities for their workers. While a few tea estates offer competitive wages and good medical and educational services, many others fall short.

Workers are advocating for the renovation of aging housing, the installation of basic toilets, access to drinking water, and adequate medical care, as well as fair wages reflecting their labor.

Union president Uthagai Siva highlighted the lack of progress despite multiple petitions submitted to government officials regarding these critical issues. "We approached the district collector through our trade association to address these problems, but he mentioned that the concerned departments would need to visit the workers' residential areas," he stated.

Thousands of individuals are employed in the tea estates of the Nilgiris, and the union insists that estate management must ensure workers receive the salaries, bonuses, and labor rights they are entitled to upon the export of goods.

Siva noted that many tea workers have been in the industry for four generations, originating from Trichy and neighboring districts, and continue to live in homes built around 80 years ago. “We urgently need help to secure basic facilities,” he emphasized, stressing that workers lack access to education, clean drinking water, roads, and healthcare. He called on the government to send relevant officials to assess the situation and advocate for the welfare of these workers in ISO-certified factories operating internationally.

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