One director who made a splash with movies like mental madhilo and brochevarevarura is vivek Athreya. However, Ante Sundaraniki, his third movie with nani, was a complete bust in the telugu states. Even if the film had virtues, vivek Athreya's failure to present a good picture led to a disastrous outcome for several reasons.
After seeing it on OTT, some moviegoers began to overhype the picture and dubbed it "This is where TFI failed," alluding to the fact that TFI audiences were unable to turn Ante Sundaraniki into a huge smash. Let's jump to the next project: Saripodhaa Sanivaaram, which vivek Athreya developed with nani once more. At first, the movie was falsely marketed as a fresh idea. The hero, nani, fights only on Saturdays in the screenplay. director vivek Athreya was unable to write or deliver anything original other than this one point. But thanks to a fantastic performance by S. J. Suryah, the movie made it through.

Once more, Ante Sundaraniki devotees began exaggerating the positive aspects of a mediocre movie like Saripodhaa Sanivaaram, praising vivek Athreya as a master filmmaker and asserting that vivek is a gift to this generation. Those who have seen Saripodhaa Sanivaaram, however, would find these claims hilarious. He presented a single-line, Saturday-fighting hero picture meant to be watched only once. Everything is a usual blueprint, even the climax.
Vivek Athreya has received more hype than any other director in recent memory; hopefully, he is not succumbing to it. Rather, he had to see the outcome of Saripodhaa Sanivaaram in the telugu states to face reality and proceed more intelligently with his subsequent screenplay.



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