Srivari Laddu Prasadam restored again..!?

The tirumala tirupati Devasthanam has made an important announcement to give some relief to the news of adulteration in the Swami Laddu prasad which has been causing agony to the devotees of Srivari around the world for the past few days. ttd has posted X Vedika in view of the suspicions that Swami's Laddu is impure and the anguish that is raging among the devotees. According to it, the sanctity of Srivari Laddu prasad has been restored. Not only that, the details of both the oil used during the previous government's tenure and the oil used at present have also been revealed in the post on X.
 TTD also mentioned the lab report which confirmed the adulteration of ghee. Nandini Dairy also posted a ghee Lab Report. It seems that a strong effort has been made to dispel the misconceptions among devotees about the quality of laddoos. It is remarkable that the ghee used in the past had only 19 points per hundred while the ghee currently used has 97 points per hundred. ttd has made it clear that the best ghee is used for the preparation of laddoos. It remains to be seen how the devotees will react to it.

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