Vijay's TVK's viral poster by his members..!?

Thalapathy Vijay is going to hold a conference in his Tamizhaga Vetri Kazhagam party on october 27 at Vikravandi. The first thing Thalapathy Vijay announced earlier this year caused huge celebrations among his fans. That is what introduced his Tamizhaga Vetri Kazhagam party to the people. But at the same time, it was a shock to the fans who were celebrating him in the film industry, the reports said that he was going to quit the film industry.
After completing the two film projects he has already agreed to, he is going to launch himself as a full-time political leader. It is no exaggeration to say that it was Vijay's masterstroke when he announced that he would no longer act in films. Even today, one thing that many co-actors, youngsters, and fans of Thalapathy can greatly appreciate is that one bold decision by Thalapathy. The reason is that people who come to politics from the film industry usually do so at a time when their opportunities in cinema are very limited. But for Thalapathy Vijay, the fact that he has taken this decision at a time when he is a top actor with a salary of around 200 crores has caused a huge response.Thalapathy Vijay is contesting as the chief ministerial candidate on behalf of his party in the upcoming assembly elections of 2026. While his party's flag and party song have already been published, he is going to hold the first state conference of his party on october 27. The recently released TVK party's poster created a sensation in social media. The poster said Thalapathy Vijay is going to be the three-lettered political successor in the order of Eevera, Anna, and MGR. Uprising Conference in 2024 and tamil Nadu in 2026 are also getting great responses among his fans.

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