Is china going to attack japan and America? 

Amid taiwan tension and dispute over Senkaku Island, China-Japan relations have reached a worrying state. The country, which has moved towards peace since the Second World War, has once again opened its treasury for its security. japan has allocated a huge amount for defense in the budget for the year 2024, after which china has panicked. japan has made big plans for F-35 fighter aircraft and Tomahawk missile. Along with this, japan is also strengthening its navy. Amidst these conditions, experts have made a big claim. Experts believe that china can attack japan at any time.

Dan Blumenthal, senior researcher at the American Enterprise Institute, says that this danger is not only on Japan but also on America. china can rain missiles on the military bases of japan and America at any time. The expert said that china is currently planning to capture taiwanmeanwhile Japan and America can interfere in China's operation. In such a situation, it can attack japan and America before attacking Taiwan.

China has the largest stockpile of missiles

Experts believe that to capture taiwan, china will first have to establish its supremacy in the air and water. A large number of troops are deployed inside japan and warships are also present. However, experts believe that this Chinese attack can start the Third World War. Dan said that china has currently acquired a great power to spy and attack with precision. At present, china has the world's largest stockpile of missiles. Other analysts Thomas Shugart and Toshi Yoshihara say that if china attacks japan, it can cause great devastation in Japan. It can destroy the American weapons deployed in Japan. Apart from this, it can destroy American planes before they take off.

Will japan make a nuclear bomb now?

Dan says that in view of these threats from china, some people in japan are demanding to acquire nuclear power. On the other hand, japan always talks about staying away from nuclear bombs. Till now japan has been under the umbrella of American nuclear bombs, and has also been appealing to the world to destroy nuclear bombs. After the ukraine war, questions are now being raised about the security of Japan. Many types of discussions are going on in japan regarding this.

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