For the U.S. president in 2024, donald trump and Kamala harris are in a close battle. After a recent Philadelphia debate in which trump and Kamala harris squared off in person for the first time, Kamala Harris's polling ratings have significantly increased. According to recent surveys, Kamala harris leads trump by a narrow margin of 2.8 points. 

Polls have consistently shown this little advantage for the Democratic candidate ever since Kamala harris assumed the lead. But a fresh Ipsos-Reuters survey taken soon after the debate indicates that Kamala harris is leading trump by 5 points. In this survey, trump gets 42% support compared to 47% for Harris.

The race is still very tight in important battleground states. Georgia, Nevada, and north carolina are among the states where Kamala harris and trump are tied for first place. In florida and Arizona, where he has historically done well, trump has a slim edge. In addition, trump holds sizable advantages in texas and Ohio, while Kamala harris leads handily in Colorado, Virginia, and Maryland. The public's perception of harris appears to have improved as a result of the discussion. According to the majority of reputable surveys, Kamala harris was viewed as the debate winner. There have even been warnings from some Republican pollsters that this may be problematic for Trump.

The majority of voters—including independents and even Republicans—thought Kamala harris did better in the debate than Trump. Notably, compared to the earlier june debate where most people believed trump had won, 14% of Republicans and 50% of independent voters said Kamala harris had prevailed. In these crucial states, where even little shifts in voter support might have a significant impact on the US Presidential elections in 2024, both contenders are concentrating their efforts.

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