The richest man in the world, Elon Musk, and Indian-American billionaire Vinod Khosla are embroiled in a public spat over a disputed california land dispute and a purportedly artificial intelligence (AI)-generated picture of a beach sign. When the CEO of tesla chastised Khosla for restricting public access to a beach, the argument became more heated. He said that Khosla had put up the allegedly offensive "No plebs allowed" sign on his land, and he shared an edited picture of it.

Khosla vehemently refuted these accusations and called for Musk to issue an apology, claiming that Musk's post was the cause of unfavorable media coverage of him. In a response on X, Khosla stated, "You owe me an apology for spreading falsehoods. I think this post of yours needs a community comment for being a fraudulent photo. I have never put up this sign or anything even remotely like this. I presume it is AI-generated, but you can verify that."

Musk apologized and said, "I made a sign about you restricting access to a public beach," in his signature sarcastic reply. That was really, really bad. Please pardon me. His over 200 million followers saw the irony in his reply right away.

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