Jayam ravi filed a complaint against his wife Aarthi..!?

While the jayam Ravi-Aarthi divorce issue is being talked about on the one hand, a report is going viral that jayam ravi has filed a police complaint against his wife at the police station in Neelangarai. jayam ravi, who is a leading actor in tamil cinema, last week officially announced his divorce from his wife, causing a shock in the kollywood film industry. While kollywood fans are still reeling from the divorce shock of the Dhanush-Aishwarya and GV Prakash-Saindavi couple, the Arthi-Jayam ravi couple also joined this list. Even a husband and wife who fight every day since marriage do not think of divorce. The reason is their children. But when the Aarti-Jayam ravi couple has two sons, why should jayam ravi make such a decision? It is the biggest question of the fans. Similarly, last year, when the popular YouTube channel celebrated jayam Ravi's 20 years in the film industry, the way Aarti expressed his love for jayam ravi was so beautiful to watch. Some even expressed their best wishes to find such a husband.
Same as jayam Ravi. I am loved by everyone at home. aarthi told me that the moments where he talked romantically about his love for the girl child were so enjoyable to watch. Even though they had been in love for more than 4 years and lived together for 15 years after being married, it was a tragedy that the resentment that arose in a few months led them to divorce. Not only did jayam ravi say that all the poisons mentioned by Arthi in his report are false. He also said that Arthi is blaming Kenisha in vain and that she is spreading rumors of love with her to tarnish his name and he has some evidence for this.

At the same time, jayam ravi expressed his anger at Aarthi. singer Kenisha came to this place with difficulty, she is a healer thereby saving many lives. He said that he was going to start a healing center with her. Is there really something between ravi and Kenisha? Aroused suspicion.
Apart from this incident, there is now a rumor that jayam ravi has been thrown out of his house and has lodged a complaint at the police station. It means jayam ravi was living in a luxury bungalow in Neelangarai with his wife and sons. jayam ravi has been living in goa for a few months and is not in touch with his wife, son, mother, father, or brother. Even if they contacted ravi, the phone was switched off.

In this case, when jayam ravi returned to Chennai, it is said that when he went to his house, Arthi sent him out without letting him in. Following this, jayam ravi filed a complaint in the name of his wife aarthi at the police station in Neelangarai, Chennai, and aarthi confiscated his car and all his belongings. It is said that they were asked to return them. After this, when the police spoke to aarthi, she said that he could come to his house whenever he wanted. jayam ravi has gone to court seeking a divorce, so they have advised him to approach aarthi legally. This information has now been released and has created a stir.

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