Pawan Kalyan, a prominent actor-turned-politician, has recently been the subject of online trolling, particularly in relation to his association with Sanatana Dharma. Known for his political party, Jana Sena, and his active involvement in advocating for Hindu causes, pawan kalyan has often positioned himself as a supporter of traditional values and Sanatana Dharma. However, his personal life and political moves have led to considerable criticism and trolling on social media.

One major reason for this trolling is his personal life, which includes multiple marriages and divorces. Critics argue that these actions contradict the principles of Sanatana Dharma, which places a strong emphasis on marital sanctity and family unity. His detractors often question his credibility as a follower of Hindu traditions, calling out the gap between his public endorsements of these values and his personal decisions.

Additionally, his political alignment with certain Hindu nationalist agendas has made him a target for opposition parties and critics who accuse him of using religion for political gain. His speeches and statements advocating for Sanatana dharma often receive backlash from those who see it as an attempt to appeal to a specific voter base.

The trolling reflects broader social and political divides, as public figures like pawan kalyan are often caught in the crossfire of ideological debates and personal scrutiny.

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