Earth will get second moon, which planets have many moons?

At the end of this month, Earth will see a different moon, which has been named mini Moon. Now you are wondering how can there be a second moon? So let us tell you that even though it has been named mini moon, it is not a moon but an asteroid. Which will remain in the Earth's orbit for only a few days. Which will revolve in the Earth's orbit from 29 september to 25 November. That is, it will be visible from Earth for two full months.

However, today we are going to tell you something different apart from this mini moon. Have you ever thought that there can be many moons? You will be surprised to know that there are many planets that have their own moons. Yes, you must have been surprised to know this. In such a situation, let us know today about those planets that have their own moons.

What is a mini moon?

Scientists have recently identified a small asteroid, which can get trapped in the Earth's gravitational field. This asteroid is known as 2020 CD3 and it is about 1.9 meters wide. If this asteroid passes near the Earth, it can become a temporary moon of the Earth for some time. This discovery has excited many researchers, because this moon experience will be very special.

These planets have their own moons

Many planets in the solar system have their own natural satellites, which make them special.

Jupiter- Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system and has 79 known moons. Of these, Ganymede is the largest moon, which is even larger than Mercury. Ganymede has a special atmosphere, where life is possible.

Saturn- Saturn has the most moons. Scientists have discovered 82 moons of Saturn so far.

Uranus- Uranus has 27 moons.

Neptune- Neptune has 14 moons.

Mars - Mars has only two small moons, named Phobos and Deimos.

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