Why did the tension increase between two countries?

The history of tension between israel and saudi arabia is very old. Both countries are strategically suspicious of each other. Despite efforts to end the ongoing tension between Arab countries with israel in recent months, security and political concerns have increased. Efforts are on by saudi arabia to increase relations with its allies against israel, due to which the situation of tension has increased even more in the recent past.

If there is a war between israel and Saudi, how many people can die?

Experts believe that if there is a war between israel and saudi arabia, the potential human loss can be very high. According to some reports, thousands to millions of people can be killed in this war.

If we look at the direct loss in this war, the number of deaths due to fighting can increase at the beginning of the war itself. Apart from this, casualties can also occur due to lack of security of civilians. Also, a humanitarian crisis can arise due to war, in which millions of people can be homeless from their homes. This can also come in the form of a refugee crisis. A humanitarian crisis can arise due to war, in which millions of people can be homeless from their homes. This can also come in the form of a refugee crisis. At the same time, in the event of war, the pressure on health services will increase, which will affect medical facilities and the spread of diseases can increase.

It is worth noting that recently many incidents have taken place amid growing tensions between israel and Saudi Arabia. saudi arabia has made statements against israel, in which it has been made clear that it is ready to respond to any aggression by israel along with its allies. At the same time, the prime minister of israel has also warned that any attack will be responded to strongly. These statements have further increased the possibility of war, which has increased concern across the world.

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