Incidents of sexual harassment toward tourists in Morocco, including by groups of local boys or men, have unfortunately been reported, though such occurrences are not representative of the entire population. Morocco, like many other countries, grapples with issues related to street harassment, particularly in tourist-heavy areas. women, both locals and visitors, sometimes face verbal harassment, catcalling, or unwanted attention in public spaces.

In some parts of Morocco, traditional views on gender roles may contribute to inappropriate behavior toward women, especially those perceived as outsiders. Lack of education about respectful conduct and societal gender norms can play a role in such incidents. Popular tourist destinations like Marrakech, Fes, and Tangier see significant foot traffic, which can attract opportunistic behavior, including harassment. Some perpetrators may target female tourists, assuming they are less likely to report incidents or may be unfamiliar with local authorities.

Morocco has taken steps to address harassment, with a 2018 law (Law 103-13) criminalizing street harassment, but enforcement remains a challenge. Tourist women are advised to take precautions, such as traveling in groups, dressing modestly in certain areas, and reporting any harassment to local authorities. The Moroccan government is working toward better enforcement and societal awareness, but more progress is needed to fully combat the issue.

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