Is this Putin's Nuclear Warning..!?

Weapons are running out in the war that has been going on for two and a half years. The opponent who is thought of as a hamster is not giving in. Western countries have not stopped their support since then. It seems that Russian President Putin has lost his patience in this background. indian Prime minister Narendra Modi's peace efforts are not coming to an end. No other leader has more power to stop Putin than Modi. Recently he gave a severe warning. We will not tolerate it if a nuclear country supports it. Putin has stated that he will take it seriously if another country with nuclear power cooperates with a country trying to attack him. It seems that is his intention behind this. This warning is aimed at America. Or it may be Britain, France, Germany, and other countries.
Meanwhile, Putin also said that if a country without nuclear weapons supports an attack, it will be considered as a joint action of two countries. He addressed the countries that are supporting Ukraine. Putin has warned that nuclear weapons will be used within a few days after february 24, 2022, when the war on ukraine started. However, that did not happen. In the warning given now.. will they answer with nuclear weapons? It is not said. Meanwhile, NATO countries are providing weapons in large quantities to Ukraine. It has been fighting with them till now. Recently, the President of ukraine, Zelensky, also said that if they give more weapons, they will defeat Russia. NATO has provided long-range weapons to Ukraine. Putin says that if they are used, it will be a Russia-NATO war. NATO countries, including the United States, have imposed some restrictions on the arms they provide to Ukraine. They also have long-range weapons. However, recent changes have been made to Russia's nuclear program. According to it, russia may decide to use nuclear weapons if the enemy launches massive air strikes, cruise missiles, and drones.

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