With its extraordinary box office success, Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao's film stree 2 has swept through Bollywood. With 400 crores in its first two weekends of sales, the sequel is expected to eclipse Jawan's lifetime totals. By the conclusion of the weekend, stree 2 is predicted to have made more than 665 crores, having grossed 652 crores thus far.
The movie has now earned more than 500 crores worldwide, surpassing blockbusters like Baahubali 2 and kgf Chapter 2. Numerous festivals, especially the ganesh chaturthi holiday season, have contributed to the success. stree 2 is continuing to grow and may soon reach the 700 crore milestone.

Fans of a variety of celebrities, including Ranbir Kapoor, are in shock since they believed Animal will continue to hold the distinction for most successful young celebrity. Yet, Animal, helmed by brand director Sandeep reddy Vanga, has been eclipsed by a movie with a comparatively tiny ensemble. Some say that the claimed collections are exaggerated or phony because a female-led picture has outperformed Animal so easily. Stree 2 would be the first hindi movie to do so if it were to cross the 700 crore mark. Without a doubt, this is an amazing accomplishment for a movie with a small celebrity cast.

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