Life is like a spy movie for female Mossad officers, but not necessarily as glamorous. Theirs is a world of mystery, restless nights, and occasionally flirting in an environment of constant risk, all for the benefit of the state and at great cost to their families.

This week, five female Mossad operatives made their first public appearances in interviews with the Hebrew-language Lady Globes newspaper. This gave readers a brief look into the covert operations of Israel's secret agency from a female point of view. They discussed the boundaries of utilizing their feminine cunning to further the interests of the state, as well as how to employ it. They said clearly that there are some lengths to which they would not go and will not be asked to go, regardless of how important the mission may be.

The women have participated in some of the most significant and audacious operations of the organization. They are all ranked commanders or above, which is the equivalent of brigadier generals or colonels in the IDF.
When it comes to national security, flirtation is OK, according to one of the spies, Yael. women have some "advantages" over males, she told the magazine: "A guy who wants to obtain entry to a banned location has less likelihood of being permitted in... A lady who smiles is more likely to succeed.

The highest-ranking female operations commander in the Mossad, Efrat, stated, "We use our femininity because any means is valid." However, no one in the Mossad would let us do so, even if we believed that sleeping with the chief of staff of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would be the best method to forward the operation. There is no sexual usage of female agents. The line is drawn at sex, although we flirt."

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