An increasing number of immigrants in the nation with H1B visas are becoming anxious about the upcoming elections in the united states in 2024. Many people are curious about the implications of a second trump administration for individuals requesting H1-B visas. The query is based on prior experiences, particularly the times when the trump administration changed the visa application procedure during his first term.
A person expressed alarm on one social networking platform, writing, "My petition was approved and I was already picked this year." I want to move to the united states before December, but will my immigration status be affected if trump wins? This fear is not unwarranted. Under President trump, there was a great deal of attention around H1-B visas. Even though the yearly cap selections were still limited to 85000, the approval rate was thought to be significantly stricter.
The percentage of H1-B visa renewals that were denied skyrocketed, particularly in situations where the explanation given was "specialty occupation." As per the account of a user, "In 2018, my application for an extension was turned down even though it was from a highly reputable organization. Who was approved seems to be the result of pure chance. Many people are concerned that another trump administration would make it harder to obtain a Green Card or extend an H1B visa. This anxiety extends beyond the new H1B applications.
But the lesson here is that ambiguity grows. trump has a history of making policy changes, so while it is impossible to forecast exactly what changes will occur, people with H1-B visas are advised to exercise caution. For now, all that is required of immigrants and visa holders is to wait and observe; some clarification for those who are unsure.


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