A recent event involving an army commander has surfaced and horrified the country to no end. According to reports, at one in the morning, army Major Gurbant Singh and his fiancée Ankita Pradhan had to endure serious police violence on their way back from Pradhan's restaurant. After shutting their business, the couple was on their way home when they encountered some harassment. Instead of receiving assistance when they went to the police station to report the harassment, they were reportedly locked up and assaulted. Pradhan also alleges that when she was in the prison, some cops harassed her.
Pradhan claims that when the female constable first arrived at the reception, she misbehaved with her instead of filing a report. After some time, the police let Major Gurbant to make the complaint; but, in spite of Pradhan's persistent pleadings, they abruptly locked him up. She goes on to state that after that, she was beaten and even groped. Even though the odisha police continue to vehemently deny her charges, five police personnel have been suspended from the Bharatpur police station as a result of her complaint!

There is no doubting that the indian police have a history of abusing those who are held, even if many details have not yet been confirmed. While all forms of police violence are abhorrent, abuse directed at an army officer—a person who serves our nation without regard for his own life—reaches unprecedented heights. It defies logic that someone who has gone to lodge a complaint at the same location that is revered as the seat of justice should instead be consoled and given attention, not bashed and harassed!

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