During the election season, donald trump and Kamala harris have each received their fair share of criticism. While this is to be anticipated from your opponents, when members of your own party doubt your ability to lead, it is a severe indictment. In a statement published on Wednesday, more than a hundred former Republicans endorsed Kamala harris and declared that trump was "unfit to serve again as President." They charged that the outgoing president had a soft spot for autocrats like Xi jinping and Putin and had sympathies for their opponents.

Officials from the administrations of previous Republican presidents, including none other than donald trump, signed the petition. The letter not only denounced the Republican candidate but also praised harris, his opponent, for his dedication to liberty and democracy. Although there are certain policy disagreements between the Vice President and the former Republicans, they all seem "pale in comparison to Trump's demonstrated chaotic and unethical behavior."
It's clear that in recent weeks, harris has gained greater support from mainstream Republicans. Since the presidential debate, in which she easily defeated all the predictions made by experts, she has been rising steadily. There doesn't appear to be much compassion for trump, despite claims against Democrats and two attempted assassinations of him. Without a question, Republicans are going to have a difficult fight as the midterms draw near.

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