Former malayalam actor Minu Muneer claims that in 2007, director-actor Balachandra menon had her see a sexual act. This charge comes after she previously accused seven men of verbal and physical assault, one of which was the actor Jayasurya. As soon as her claims were confirmed, a FIR was lodged against the offenders.

Muneer discussed her experiences and how the hema Committee findings affected her choice to speak up in an interview. She related how menon made her observe group intercourse in his room under duress. A couple other males were seated and observing. In the room, he was doing it with three girls. I turned to leave the room. She recalled, "He asked me to sit and watch."

Muneer stated her pleasure with the probe after her earlier accusations against actors such as CPI(M) mla Mukesh and Jayasurya. "I am very satisfied with the investigation," she said. It's not easy to witness a powerful mla like him being detained." When the chief minister vowed to take action after hearing complaints, her instinct told her to speak up. Muneer expressed her unhappiness with the film business as she thought back on her experience. Despite having many goals, she said the industry turned into a nightmare for her. She feels that the hema Committee Report is a purifying force for the sector as well as for society in general.

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