What happens to stars that get absorbed in black hole?

A black hole is an area of space where gravity is so strong that it pulls any object, even light, towards itself and absorbs it. If anything goes near a black hole, it is almost impossible to escape from it. Let us tell you in this article today what happens to the stars that get absorbed in a black hole.

First understand how a black hole is formed

When a big star explodes as a supernova, a lot of energy is released due to this. After this explosion, the outer part of the star spreads into space, while the inner part forms a black hole due to heavy pressure and density. This process happens so fast that shortly after the explosion, the physical form of the star disappears completely and it turns into a black hole.

When stars get absorbed in a black hole

When stars reach near a black hole, what happens to them is a big question. Actually, the gravity of a black hole is so powerful that it absorbs everything that comes near it. Be it light or a planet or a star. When this event occurs, it is called the event horizon. When stars come near a black hole, their outer part first pulls the black hole and this process creates a disk, which is called an "accretion disk".

What happens next?

As soon as the star pulls towards the black hole, the matter of the star starts rotating around the black hole, it becomes extremely hot and this produces powerful radiation. This radiation can be in the form of X-rays and gamma rays, which are spread in space. Later, scientists research this radiation and obtain important information about the black hole and the environment around it.

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