Social media is ablaze with laughter over a picture of Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev's foot that is being sold for ₹3,200 on his official website. The listing on the Isha Foundation web store was just discovered by the internet, which is currently having a field day with the revelation. The 67-year-old founder of the non-profit Isha Foundation, which has its headquarters close to Coimbatore, tamil Nadu, is Sadhguru. The spiritual guide is well-known around the world for his teachings on self-awareness, meditation, and spirituality.
On the Isha Life e-shop, a snapshot of its founder’s foot is advertised for ₹3,200. Sadhguru's feet "are revered because they are the pathway to access the Guru's energy," according to the product description. The description states that the photo of Sadhguru's feet comes in a "beautiful wood frame" and serves as "a powerful medium to strengthen your connection with Sadhguru," adding that "the very act of bowing down to a Guru's feet enhances one's proximity and builds a deeper connection with the Guru."

“Sole touching moment,” quipped one X user after a post with a screenshot of the Isha Life product listing went viral.

“Earlier people used to pay dakshina for touching the feet of gurus and seeking their blessings. Now, Sadhguru has done innovation,” another person explained.

“The economy is so bad even Sadhguru selling feet pics,” another X user joked.

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