Has telangana become a haven for drunkards..!?

- Central is the main base of Telangana.
- If it is banned, it will be financially backward.
- Has telangana become a haven for drunkards?

 After the formation of the separate state of telangana, the number of wine shops increased. Moreover, there are many liquor dealers who are making money by selling liquor at random and playing with people's lives. During the ten years of KCR's rule, alcohol has flourished. It can be said that alcohol is the main source of income for the state. On the one hand, while drinking liquor, on the other hand, after coming out of the liquor shop, the police caught them and fined them. This has been happening since the kcr regime. In telangana, every village has one to two belt shops. The congress government has been saying that such liquor will be banned once it comes to power. And there are no records of congress focusing on alcohol prohibition after coming to power. How alcohol flourished during KCR's regime, even now liquor is sold in the same way Going into full details. No matter how much the price of alcohol increases in telangana state, the number of people who drink it does not decrease. Every year many people become addicted to alcohol and suffer from many diseases. Especially minor children are also addicted to alcohol. As regulations have left wine owners in the lurch and given most of the liquor to belt shops, alcohol is also becoming available to minors. Due to this, they are also addicted to drinking and ruining their lives. A new liquor policy has been brought in the state of Andhra Pradesh. This may do some good to the poor people, but it can be said that harm will be done to their health. Those who used to drink on a limit can now drink limitless with the same amount of money. Because of this, they can save 100, but if they go to the hospital, they can save 1000. Some analysts say that if alcohol prices are reduced, the number of drinkers will increase. Alcohol lords are whispering to bring ap policy in telangana also. In any way, every government is trying to make money by drinking alcohol from people. They thought that there would be some change in liquor after the congress government came. But since there is no change, this government is also like the kcr government, senior political analysts feel.

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