Social media users are reacting negatively to telangana Congress minister Konda surekha for making crude and personal comments, particularly considering that she is a woman. As of right now, samantha and Akkineni nagarjuna have both reacted, although their words were aimed at respecting surekha while denouncing her startling public accusations.

Still, amala akkineni, Nagarjuna's wife, had the most to say. Many think that her response establishes the norm for handling these kinds of allegations. amala showed no restraint and no tact. She referred to Konda surekha as a "demon" and asked whether the minister had "an iota of shame" in her letter.
Amala in her tweet wrote, ‘Shocked to hear a woman minister turn into a demon, conjuring evil fictions allegations, preying on decent citizens as fuel for a political war.

Madam minister, do you rely and believe people with no decency to feed you utterly scandalous stories about my husband without an iota of shame or truth? This is really shameful.

If leaders lower themselves into the gutter and behave like criminals, what will happen to our country?

Mr rahul Gandhiji, if you believe in human decency, please restrain your politicians and make your minister retract her venomous statements with an apology to my family. Protect the citizens of this country.’

Amala also tagged rahul gandhi and priyanka gandhi in the tweet.

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