The 7th and 12th houses are the best places to start when evaluating a person's quality of sex life.

Seventh House: Secret joys resulting from sex, marriage, sexual union, wife, life partner, sex, desire (and related bliss), and marriage.
A strong seventh house will bring partnerships to a fruitful and fulfilling sexual level.
Twelfth House: The bed is also connected to the twelfth house. Here, bedtime activities including dreaming, sleeping, and making love are portrayed. A powerful 12th house would bring possibilities for fulfillment and a strong bodily urge for sex.

7th in Saptamsa (D-7) is one of the most vital places to determine the sex life of the native. Generally, Saptamsa is remembered as the chart for progenies only.

Let's look at the various indicators

1) The 7th house deals with sexual interactions, whereas the 12th house is in charge of psychological activities and pleasures related to sex (which can occur inside or outside of marriage).
2) The 7th and 12th lords' relationship should promote healthy sexual behavior in marriage or with a partner. Here, association would mean conjunction, exchange, aspect, or, to a lesser degree, the putting of one lord inside the home of another.
3) When assessing sexual fulfillment, one should also consider the planets Venus and Mars.
Strong Venus will provide the emotional disposition, physical cravings, and chances for connections that lead to sexual fulfillment. (The Intense Feeling)

Venus in a weak, crippled, or unfavorable position will rob the aforementioned native. Even if Venus is in a weak sign, Navamsa (D9) and higher divisional charts play a compensating function, so readers who observe a combusted Venus in the Birth chart D1 shouldn't worry. even if to persevere, they must go further within.

4) Venus is in charge of the sexual organs and the emotional and passionate aspects of sex. Mars is in charge of physical energy. Strong Mars is required for what we would term the libido... the sheer animal energy component of sex.

A burned, crippled, or unfavorably positioned Mars might deprive the indigenous of the necessary physical energy. Nonetheless, readers need not worry if they observe a combusted Mars in the Birth chart D1 since higher divisional charts, such as Navamsa D9, have a balancing effect.

5) Now if Venus put in the 7th house and Mars in the 12th house would be a perfect combo for a satisfying sexual life.
Another potent combination would be a Scorpio ascendant with Mars conjunct in the Ascendant and Venus sitting in either Taurus (7th) or Libra (12th).
6) Since the 8th house is the second to the 7th house and represents the richness and rewards of marriage, a strong 8th house will also result in a powerful sexual life.


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