Reportedly the DMK has hit back at andhra pradesh deputy cm pawan kalyan over his criticism of Udhayanidhi stalin, saying he is using religion and Hindu gods for political gains. DMK spokesperson Dr Syed Hafeezullah’s remarks came a day after kalyan attacked stalin over the latter’s comment on Sanatan dharma that triggered a massive row before the lok sabha elections. He said “DMK does not talk about any religion… it is the people from the BJP, TDP, and pawan kalyan who use religion and Hindu gods for political gains. They are the real enemies… this statement (by Mr Kalyan) is an attempt to divert attention from crores affected by their policies”.

Meanwhile Kalyan, who embarked on a three day visit to tirumala as part of his 11 day penance to propitiate Lord Venkateswara over tirupati laddoos, described the prasad adulteration issue as an attack on “Sanatana Dharma” for the past five years.  Referring to the comments made by tamil Nadu deputy cm Udhayanidhi stalin, kalyan in tamil, kalyan said, “Don’t say that Sanatana dharma is like a virus, and it will destroy.” He added “Whoever said this let me tell you sir. You cannot wipe out Sanatana Dharma. If anyone tries to wipe out Santana dharma let me tell you from the feet of Lord balaji you will be wiped out”.

Moreover kalyan also stressed the need to bring in legislation at the national level to protect Sanatana dharma and establish Sanatana dharma protection boards with adequate funds at national and state levels. The apex court also said it will not permit the court to be used as “political background” while clarifying that it has not gone into allegations and counter-allegations in the matter.

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