One of Bollywood's top actors, aamir khan, has always made headlines for his lucrative movies and interesting personal life. His suspected connection with actress sana SHAIKH' target='_blank' title='fatima sana shaikh-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>fatima sana shaikh, who co-starred with him in the film Dangal, has been the subject of much discussion over the last few years. Even though Aamir is unmarried right now and has been married twice, there are persistent speculations regarding him and Fatima. What is happening, then?

Fatima sana Shaikh and aamir khan initially collaborated on the 2016 film Dangal, in which Fatima played Aamir's on-screen daughter. Their friendship became the buzz of the town once the film became an enormous smash. Since then, suspicions of a deeper relationship have been sparked by others noticing the two together on numerous occasions.
According to some sources, Aamir's romance with Fatima even caused his second marriage to dissolve, with kiran Rao. Aamir and Fatima, however, have never made a public statement on these claims.

Aamir Khan, Fatima sana Shaikh’s Dating Rumours Resurface
And now there's more talk about the rumors. Following her father's passing, aamir khan was spotted going to his ex-wife reena Dutta's home on october 2, 2024. Fatima's attendance at the family get-together attracted everyone's attention despite the abundance of images and videos of Aamir that appeared online.

Fans React to the Rumors
Fans responded to the rumors on social media, as was to be anticipated. Reddit, in particular, witnessed a lot of comments on Aamir and Fatima’s relationship. Some people feel there is only a mentor-student relationship, but others think there could be more.

Here’s what some fans had to say:


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