Tamil Nadu minister has shared a meme where Hindus can't be arrested until proven guilty but a Muslim can be arrested and thrown to jail immediately until he is innocent. They shared photos of Sadhguru, Ms Madhabu puri Buch, and Umar Khalid to cite the examples. This particular tweet was shared by tamil Nadu minister PTR and it has stormed the Internet.

The question you raise touches on a sensitive and contentious issue related to perceived religious biases in law enforcement and the justice system. In india, the Constitution guarantees equality before the law and the protection of all citizens regardless of their religion, under Article 14 (Right to Equality) and Article 21 (Right to Life and Personal Liberty). These principles ensure that no individual, Hindu or Muslim, can be arrested without following due legal procedures, and everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty.

However, concerns about the differential treatment of religious communities, especially Muslims, in certain cases have been raised over the years. These concerns are often linked to high-profile cases where Muslims have been subjected to police action, sometimes with inadequate evidence, leading to accusations of bias. On the other hand, incidents where Hindus are accused of crimes can sometimes see delays in arrests or prosecutions, leading to perceptions of a double standard.

The idea that "Hindus can’t be arrested until proven guilty but a Muslim can be thrown in jail" is likely rooted in frustrations with specific cases where the justice system has seemed uneven or politicized. Some argue that these instances reflect broader socio-political tensions, especially given the backdrop of religious polarization in India. Ultimately, though, the legal framework in india doesn’t distinguish between religious communities in principle; any unequal treatment is a reflection of broader systemic issues or regional law enforcement practices, which vary from case to case.

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