Following sensational allegations made by telangana minister Konda surekha about samantha Ruth Prabhu's divorce from naga chaitanya, samantha Ruth Prabhu made news recently. While naga chaitanya and samantha both issued comments disputing the accusations, naga chaitanya drew criticism on social media for referring to samantha as his "former spouse" rather than by name. Neither actress has commented on the dispute, but Samantha's latest instagram story has attracted people's attention.

The "Yashoda" actress posted a picture to her social media account with the message, "You don't have to do something huge to make a huge difference." This article was made only a few days after Konda surekha asserted that the couple's breakup was purportedly caused by KT Rama Rao (KTR).

Surekha said that in return for saving Nagarjuna's N-Convention Center from destruction, ktr had asked that samantha be transferred to him. samantha said that her breakup with naga chaitanya resulted from her refusal. “KTR asked to send samantha in return for not demolishing the N-convention centre. samantha refused to go to ktr when nagarjuna made her. That resulted in a divorce," surekha said, according to the Deccan Herald.

Samantha posted a strongly written message on instagram in response to these allegations. "Being a woman, coming out and working, surviving in a glamorous field where women are often considered as props, falling in and out of love, and continuing to stand up and fight... It requires a great deal of bravery and fortitude," she wrote.

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