Rakul Preet Singh, who first starred in telugu and kannada films, eventually rose to become one of Bollywood's most beloved actresses. However, the actress recently revealed that kajal aggarwal had previously taken her position in a prabhas film. rakul announced in an interview with Filmfare, stating that kajal aggarwal took her place in the Prabhas-starring movie "Mr. Perfect," which debuted in theaters in april 2011.

Since rakul preet singh wasn't devastated and started looking for the next greatest opportunity, she believes that this situation happened for her "best." rakul preet singh elaborated on how she was replaced by the prabhas film, stating that she was invited to the prabhas film "Mr. Perfect" film shoot while she was in her second year of college. Upon completion of the film's four-day first scheduled shoot, she learned that Kajal had taken her position upon her arrival in Delhi.

The directors of "Mr. Perfect" made this choice since a previous prabhas and Kajal film had been a box office success at the time, so they chose to use the same cast for this one as well, substituting kajal aggarwal for Rakul. rakul maintains her optimistic attitude despite this choice, viewing it as a commercial decision that arises frequently when a new actress is cast in a film. In response to her substitution, the actress with the most optimistic outlook said, "Okay. For me, there is something better. rakul is one of the most successful actresses working today, proving her comments to be true. She previously starred in Shankar's tamil film "Indian 2."

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