Recently, pooja hegde, who is on vacation in Sri Lanka, shared an innocent instagram story showing her enjoying breakfast with a squirrel in the background. While her post seemed lighthearted and fun, it quickly sparked a wave of trolling online. Some netizens interpreted the mention of the squirrel as a subtle dig at tamil superstar Thalapathy Vijay, whose fans are often mockingly referred to as "Anil" or "Squirrel" by rival fan groups.

The "Anil" term originates from a popular meme culture that playfully targets Vijay fans, turning even harmless references into fuel for online fan wars. Though Pooja's post appeared completely unrelated, fan groups quickly latched onto the imagery, speculating that she may have been indirectly trolling Vijay. Whether intentional or not, the post stirred up a social media storm, with fans of both Vijay and pooja debating the context of her post.

These kinds of fan wars have escalated in recent years, where even neutral or innocent content is sometimes twisted into a tool for trolling. The situation highlights how intense fan rivalries can distort perceptions and turn small events into major controversies. While pooja may not have intended any harm, the post was used as ammunition in ongoing online fan conflicts.

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