Is this strategy the reason behind Justin's fight against India..!?

Why would another country quarrel with a country like india in the current situation? canada which is somewhere far away from our country, why is its head fighting with us? Why is he holding on to the panchayat held a year ago? What is the reason for his surprising behavior? With what plan is he doing all this? What will he gain if he sets up a panchayat in India? Why is Justin Trudeau threatening to pull out the knife of sanctions for no good reason? What is the real story behind it now becomes interesting.

 To say why all this is being done in one line is because of the internal politics of the country. It is being analyzed as if he has set up a new panchayat with india to show himself as competent to divert the attention of the people of his country from the opposite developments that took place in the parliament of canada 2 days ago. To escape from all this, the prime minister of canada needs a sensational event. That's why he pulled out the Najjar murder case in cold storage and put the blame on India. It can be said that there are actual calculations behind the controversy stirred by Trudeau. It is being heard that this panchayat is part of a program to spread the word that agents of the indian government have become deadly to Canadians. The Liberal party represented by Trudeau has lost popularity two years after coming to power in 2015. Receiving benefits in the form of gifts from the Aga Khan organization in 2017. The black face controversy has damaged Trudeau's image. By 2019, the strength of that party has reduced greatly.
Finally depending on the allies, the situation is like a wagon. At such a time, panchayat started with the Finance minister Bill. Bill eventually resigned from his position. Trudeau went to the polls in 2021 believing that he would have an absolute majority and suffered a blow. Contrary to the belief that the absolute majority is certain, the situation is that a minority government is being formed and pulling the cart. In the special election held in July this year, the party had to lose even in the seats it was holding well. Trudeau is facing fierce opposition as the prime minister of the country. In recent polls conducted on his leadership, only 26 percent of people want to see him as the Prime Minister. Another shock faced by Trudeau in this poll is that it is 19 percent less than the percentage of votes achieved by the opposition leader and Conservative party leader Perry Poilivre (45 percent). Surveys reveal the argument that the Trudeau government is on the verge of collapse. The New Democratic party, which has been supporting the Trudeau government, announced last month that it had withdrawn its support. If all this is a height, two or three days ago there was news that people belonging to their own party have collected signatures against Trudeau in the parliament of that country. Liberal party MPs are taking part in this on a large scale. The leaders of their own party have understood that these signs are not good for the federal elections to be held in october next year. With this, the opinion is being expressed that the old panchayat has been brought on the screen in a new way so that everyone's eyes can be diverted from him. There are 7.70 lakh Sikh voters in Canada. Among them, few strong people support separatism in India. Trudeau is lending his support to a pro-Khalistani stance to tame them. For this, the relationship between the two countries is not taken into account. For this, he has already crossed the line. Trudeau, who visited our country in 2018, invited Jaspal Atwal, who is accused of conspiring to kill the punjab minister, to the Canadian High Commissioner's dinner. After the 2023 G20 summit, the Canadian government reopened the niger killing controversy. When there is only one year left for the federal election, the opinion is being expressed that the latest controversy has been brought to the fore to divert the attention of the voters and gain the support of the NDP, which has been an ally until now.

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