Girls Team play game with Sachana health Issue..!?

Bigg Boss contestants played a game with Arun Prasad, who showed concern for Sachana, who was suffering from abdominal pain. The 8th season of bigg boss started on october 6. Currently, only 16 contestants are left in the show which is being aired for 16 days. Ravinder and Arnav were eliminated in the first two weeks of eliminations. Currently, there is fierce competition between 16 contestants. There are 8 contestants in this week's nomination list.
This season of bigg boss is based on the theme of men vs women. Due to this, male contestants are separated on one side and female contestants on the other side and competitions are being conducted between them. Apart from that, a line has been drawn in the middle of the house, and both sides have been given the authority to punish if they cross it. This season there are separate teams for men and women, but each competitor will play alternate week-to-week.As such, this week Jeffrey from the men's team is playing for the women's team and Sachana from the women's team is playing for the men's team. Sachana has been suffering from ill health since the first week of the show. In this situation, Arun Prasad, a member of the men's team, took Sachana to the confession room, which was on the women's side, out of concern for her. As per the rules of the bigg boss house, men should not cross the line without permission. But Arun Prasad, because of his affection for Sachana, has taken her across the line. The women who have decided to play the game are negotiating to cancel the nomination free pass as Arun has violated the rules. anandi and Sunitha talking about this promo has been released. After seeing this, the fans are asking if they are playing a game like this without humanity and it is very cheap.

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