A peaceful protest turned violent when police took aggressive measures to disperse the crowd. Initially, the demonstrators were ordered to finish early, but as tensions mounted, authorities implemented a controversial tactic known as "kettling." This involves confining protesters into a limited space, effectively preventing them from leaving the area. Once trapped, the police escalated the situation by releasing dogs into the crowd. The sight of trained police dogs charging at demonstrators further heightened fear and chaos, transforming what began as a lawful protest into a scene of panic and disorder.

The events were compounded by numerous reports of brutal and violent arrests by the police throughout the demonstration. Witnesses described several harrowing scenes where officers resorted to excessive force against unarmed civilians. One woman suffered a broken nose after being struck, while another was left with a swollen, bruised jaw after being punched. These acts of police violence were not isolated but part of a pattern of aggression that seemed designed to intimidate and suppress the protest. Such incidents have sparked outrage among activists and the public, raising concerns about the abuse of police power and the violation of civil rights during peaceful demonstrations.

These tactics, including kettling and the release of dogs, have long been controversial and criticized by human rights organizations. The use of excessive force, particularly in situations involving non-violent protesters, is seen as a clear overreach of authority. This incident has reignited debates on police reform, with many calling for stricter accountability measures to prevent such incidents from recurring. The protesters, already seeking to voice their grievances, now find their cause amplified by the very brutality they sought to protest against, creating a rallying cry for greater justice and reform within law enforcement.

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