Actor Vijay's entry into politics with the launch of his party, 'TVK' (Thalapathy Vijay Kootamaippu), has generated significant buzz in tamil Nadu and beyond. His first political conference, scheduled for the 27th of this month, is highly anticipated by both fans and political observers alike. Vijay's decision to enter the political arena marks a notable shift for the beloved actor, known for his strong fan base and impactful films. 
The event is expected to outline his vision for the party and address various social and political issues that resonate with the youth and the broader population. The growing interest in his party is underscored by the recent addition of actress Anagha, who has officially joined TVK, further adding to the excitement surrounding the new political movement.

In addition to Anagha, there are swirling rumors that prominent actresses trisha and Keerthy suresh may also align themselves with Vijay's party, given their existing rapport with him. Both actresses have enjoyed successful careers in the film industry and share a significant fan following, making their potential involvement a strategic advantage for TVK.

However, as of now, official confirmation of their joining remains pending, leaving fans and political analysts speculating about the implications of their potential membership. The collaboration of these well-known figures could bolster Vijay's political ambitions and attract more supporters, particularly among the younger demographic. As the political landscape evolves with this new development, the coming days will be crucial for TVK as it seeks to establish its presence in tamil Nadu's political sphere.

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