Keerthy suresh, a talented actress, is now quite active in Kollywood. According to a source, she was mostly working on tamil films and was last seen in the telugu movie Bhola Shankar. Today, a teaser for her upcoming tamil film, Revolver Rita, will be released. "He says that despite working on films like Siren and raghu Thata, Keerthy was unable to create box office magic.
A producer says, "She is trying to showcase her talent and exploring a variety of roles. She wore khakis and played a cop in Siren and a flamboyant role in raghu Thata, where she needs to learn hindi to advance in her life." However, he notes that she is preventing telugu films from being released.
Keerthy suresh won a national award and became well-known among telugu fans for her amazing performance in "Mahanati." He notes that she also appeared in movies like "Nenu Local," "Rang De," and "Good Luck Sakhi." She also co-starred with mahesh babu in "Sarileru Neekevvaru," and she demonstrated her abilities as a country belle in "Dasara." She has not yet signed a new telugu film and was last seen in "Bholaa Shankar" as the devoted sister of megastar Chiranjeevi. He says, "She's probably looking for meaty roles and might take some more time."

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