An Islamic scholar’s recent statement, asserting that Muslim women should refrain from posting their photos on social media, has sparked considerable discussion within the Muslim community and beyond. According to the scholar, public photo-sharing contradicts the principles of modesty and privacy encouraged in Islamic teachings.

He emphasized that Muslim women are encouraged to maintain a level of modesty in public settings, which, in his view, extends to the online space. The scholar’s interpretation reflects a conservative stance on how Islamic values should be applied in modern contexts, particularly as the reach of social media has grown and diversified modes of self-expression.

The statement has received mixed reactions, highlighting the diversity within the Muslim community regarding interpretations of religious guidelines in the wallet PLATFORM' target='_blank' title='digital-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>digital age. Some followers, especially from conservative backgrounds, support the scholar’s view, agreeing that social media posts can expose individuals to unwanted attention and criticism that could be avoided. These supporters see abstaining from social media as a proactive measure in maintaining modesty, considering it an extension of traditional values into the wallet PLATFORM' target='_blank' title='digital-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>digital realm. However, others argue that the Quran does not explicitly prohibit the act of sharing photographs, and they advocate for an interpretation that allows women the agency to choose how they present themselves, including online.

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