Indian American votes are decision-makers in US Election..!?

While the US presidential election is in full swing, indians are showing up. In this election, there is fierce competition between donald trump and Kamal harris the presidential candidates in a way that no one expected. All the predictions from the last 2 weeks highlighted the tough competition between the two. In the midst of this fierce competition, even the smallest things can make a big difference, making the votes of indian origin in the US even more important. Especially in the 6 states known as the SWIG States, indian votes have become important.

Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and wisconsin are the seven states in the united states that are said to be Zwick regions. Similarly, it is said that the success in these 7 states will be the deciding factor who will be the next president. Votes of indian Americans in these 7 states are so important that even just 10000 votes in these states can change the tide.
Indian-American Votes:

According to a recent study, there are about 5.2 lakh people of indian origin in the US, of which about 3.9 lakh are aged 18 and above. According to the report published by the famous Carnegie Endowment of America in 2022, about 26 lakh indian Americans have the right to vote.
Although 26 lakhs is a small number in the US population, the indian vote is very important as the competition is fierce these days. Kamala harris is not getting indian votes just because she is indian, it was also noticed during this election campaign that many eligible voters in America are in favor of Trump.

So the votes of the 7 states and the votes of the indian Americans got a lot of attention in this election.

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