Tragedy in the film industry...Suresh Sangaiah passed away...

The death of famous director suresh Sangaiah due to ill health has caused a tragedy in the film industry. suresh Sangaiah is one of the directors of tamil cinema, who directed different stories and grabbed the attention of the fans. In 2017, he directed the movie 'Oru Kidaaiyin Karunai Manu' with actor Vidharth as the hero and proved himself to be the best director in his first film. Raveena Ravi, a dubbing artist, played the heroine in this film. Also, many celebrities including George Marion acted in this film. The film was released, was well received by the fans, and won many awards.
This film was followed by suresh Sangaiah's film 'Sathya Sodhanai' with actor Premji as the hero of the story. Although this film was released with a different story and received positive reviews, it was not successful at the box office. Currently, suresh Sangaiah is said to have finished directing an untitled film with actor yogi babu and a film with actor Senthil. Also, suresh Sangaiah, who had been suffering from jaundice for the past one month, was undergoing treatment at rajiv gandhi Hospital.

Suresh Sangaiah died last night at 10:20 pm while he was suffering from a liver problem. Following this, his body was taken to his hometown, Kovilpatti, where the last rites are said to be performed. He has a wife and two children. The sudden demise of director suresh Sangaiah has shocked the screen world celebrities and fans alike.

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