Kajal Aggarwal was asked in a 2013 interview with TOI if she ever felt attracted to any of her co-stars, given that she is a successful and attractive young actress. The diva said that she adheres to a set of rules at work and never goes beyond with her co-stars. "I don't cross the border with my co-stars, but it's very natural," she remarked. I don't even become friends with them. I could ask them to dine at my house if they are in Mumbai, but no more.
She went on to reveal how many committed relationships she had, both of which included individuals outside of the film profession. One of her previous relationships, however, did not work out because she was unable to devote the necessary time and mental space to it. Kajal said, “I have had two serious relationships in my life so far, one before I became an actor and one after, and both were with people outside the industry. The last relationship did not work out as you need to give a relationship some time and be physically present and that was not possible since I did not have the time.”