Since the news of "Bhagam Bhag 2," the sequel to the 2006 comedy classic, was announced, fans of the film have been ecstatic. As the legendary three of govinda, Paresh Rawal, and akshay kumar gather to recreate the magic of the first film, the sequel offers fans cause to rejoice. The sequel will be "madder, crazier, and funnier" than the original, according to producer Sarita Ashwin Varde, who has been collaborating with "Shemaroo Entertainment" on the project.
Because of its chaotic plot and slapstick humor, the movie has become a cult favorite throughout the years. "Roaring River Productions" purchased the film's rights, and producer Sarita Ashwin Varde emphasized the importance of a follow-up to preserve the memory of the original. Fans have been sharing their opinions in comments on social media. "A sequel worth waiting for at last!" said one person. govinda and Akshay together once more? I'm in!
"This is nostalgia on steroids," said another, unable to contain his joy. I'm eager to see these icons return on the big screen. Some people expressed concern about the sequel's ability to uphold the original's legacy, emphasizing that it had big shoes to fill. It is anticipated that the movie would begin production in the middle of 2025 and be released in 2026.


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