Mridulikha Jha of Aaj Tak recently conducted a field report on this. According to the article, girls' lives have been destroyed by the custom of "Mutah Nikah, Sheikh Marriage," and the family members have no problem with it. In Hyderabad, this Nikah is being advertised as a business, and brokers and agents are available to do the task.
We learn about a girl named Shabana (name altered) in the report. Any girl would find Shabana's tale disturbing. Shabana was married to a Sheikh when she had only begun to menstruate. He was 'Sheikh Uncle' to Shabana, but she was unaware of the uncle's gaze.

When Sheikh visited her home, he would force her to sit on his lap, tickle her, and then leave to stare at her. After several days of this, they eventually got married to each other. Shabana was driven to a hotel for her goodbye in a large vehicle. Here, she spent fifteen days with the same Sheikh Uncle.
Shabana first protested by sobbing, but she remained in the room with Sheikh for 15 days after neither her mother nor her father or aunt paid attention. She was in poor health when she got back. The vomiting and abdominal pain persisted. She initially believed that she was having stomach issues, but it didn't take long for Shabana's mother and aunt to realize she was expecting.

Attempts to abort the kid were attempted as soon as the news was heard, but by that time, things had gotten out of control. The family members took Shabana back and confined her in a room because they believed that an abortion would endanger her life. She was warned that she would not be allowed to go out or attend school going forward.
Shabana then gave birth to a daughter. The girl's family considered placing her in an orphanage. But the girl was rejected and taken in by Shabana's brother and sister-in-law. 'Baaji' is what the girl now calls Shabana. Even if Shabana wanted to, she couldn't name her daughter since her father is a devout man and doesn't want others to know.

In a similar vein, a lady who sold her older daughter to a Sheikh and ended up living luxuriously in a five-story home is also mentioned in the press. Her current goal is to marry her younger daughter in the same manner.
A female who was tricked into marrying a Sheikh and who was not only physically abused but also kept as a maid is also mentioned in the press at the same time. The Sheikh's sons began taking advantage of her once she moved to America. To save her life, the girl fell from the third story to the earth; as a result, she now has a large hole in her body and a rod in her leg.
'Mutah Nikah' Common In Hyderabad
Oddly, 'Mutah Nikah' has become widespread in Hyderabad's shaheen Nagar, Hasan Nagar, Yakub Puri, Barkas, Charminar, and Vattapalli neighborhoods, although it is not regarded as a crime. This company is being conducted extremely cleverly by local women, hotel staff, and brokers/agents. Brokers offer ladies to Sheikhs for 20-25-50 thousand rupees each. These agencies are already aware of which girls from whose families are available for this kind of Nikah and who need additional funding.

They then contact Sheikhs in the Gulf, invite them to india on a medical visa, parade the ladies in a beauty salon or home, and the Sheikh selects one for himself. Nikah is then performed. It's believed that only wealthy Arab Sheikhs used to attend such Nikah, but lately, Muslim citizens from somalia and sudan now attend and pay less for Nikah.
Mridulikha Jha's article explains how agents publicly disclose the number of ladies they arrange for Nikah. How they give Sheikhs their certificates of virginity. How a girl is offered to Sheikhs several times while being assured she is a virgin. You might be shocked to learn that ladies retain alum inside of them and frequently see the doctor for repeated surgeries to sell themselves to a Sheikh.







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