The internet is going crazy over salman Khan's latest remarks on telugu actor Mahesh Babu. salman made a distinction between Mahesh Babu's on-screen and real-life personas in a recent interview with his sister-in-law, shilpa Shirodkar. This discussion happened on the Big Boss 18 sets.
"On screen, he (Mahesh Babu) has that walking style, action, looks, and attitude," the bollywood actor said. However, he is straightforward and a good family man in real life. Salman's remarks have caused a stir on social media, with supporters claiming that salman Khan's endorsement just serves to highlight Mahesh Babu's widespread acceptance in India.

A person noted, "Salman's words are proof that mahesh babu is a rare mix of stardom and humility," while another said, "Hearing salman praise Mahesh Babu's simplicity is heartwarming." shilpa Shirodkar has previously disclosed how her sister and brother-in-law help her throughout her Big Boss journey.

She had stated that the pair was proud of her and that their family was very close. Salman's surprising compliment has sparked conversations on the growing camaraderie between South indian and bollywood film, as both genres recognize each other's greats. Online rumors have already begun to circulate about whether this recognition may lead to a future partnership between the two celebrities.

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